The Easiest Way to Book for Any Social Events without Lining Up with SocialQ

As a customer wanting to go to a restaurant that’s always packed, you need to make a reservation first. It can make your experience better since you don’t need to wait in line outside. Furthermore, it allows you to arrive anytime you want. And if you’re a business owner, you want to give your customers the best experience. You can do that by reducing their waiting time. And with an appointment booking and queue management platform like SocialQ, you can enhance your business while bringing customer satisfaction to the table. Let’s learn more about the SocialQ platform here.

The Best Way to Manage Your Customers & Business Virtually

SocialQ is an innovative platform that aims to provide your customers with a better experience. If your business is either a restaurant or retail store, you can manage them more easily by introducing them to this platform. They can book online, see how many customers are allowed in-store, and know your business hours – so it also lets them manage their expectations. Furthermore, SocialQ gives a virtual queue experience so your customers can line up in the app and not outside your location when you’re at capacity. They can also do check-ins, which is a better option for contact tracing.


Give Your Customers a More Tailored Experience

Apart from online bookings, virtual queues, and check-ins for contact tracing, SocialQ also lets you create a more tailored experience for your customers. In the platform, you can ask your customers more specific questions regarding the service they want to get during the booking. Furthermore, it gives you the correct data to know what your customers want. Apart from that, SMS confirmation makes it easier for your customers to get alerts on the day of their booking and if there’s a space in your store. Finally, the post-shopping surveys allow you to gain more insights into your customer’s experience after exiting your store.

A Streamlines & More Responsive Process

The whole SocialQ experience is easy and short. First, customers will need to find the venue they want to visit. After that, they choose the date, time, and number of people visiting that day. Once done, your customers need to input their name, number, and email address where they will receive their confirmation. During this time, you can tailor some specific questions that will allow you to give them a better experience during their visit. After that, SocialQ will suggest nearby stores that your customers might want to visit. Lastly, your customers can manage their bookings with ease!

The Best Platform for Retail & Hospitality Businesses

Managing your business and your customers has never been easy with SocialQ. Here, you no longer have to worry about not being able to accommodate them all. Plus, you reduce their waiting time outside, which results in a better customer experience.